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How Isaiah 42 Relates to the Modern Day United States and the World by Greg Holt, December 19, 2016

wolves-in-the-church-2.jpgIsaiah 42 is an interesting chapter, written to the Jews as well as addressing Christ as Messiah, there are definitely parallels to today’s modern world. Isaiah 42:1-4


As well as addressing the shortcomings of the Jewish people of that time, the text also mentions that Christ will be a light to the Gentiles. Isaiah 42:6


Isaiah 42:19 makes mention of the Lord’s own servants being blind, this of course referring to the Jews; is it any wonder that a large portion of the rest of the world is blind as well? This blindness does not apply only to those that have no association with God, but also to many of those who profess to know the Lord, especially in this day and age.

Isaiah 42:13 is an express warning to those willing to listen. The God of all Creation will have the last word, in fact He IS the last word (Matthew 24:35). The Lord will conquer and triumph against His enemies as is made plain in this verse. The Lord is patient, but His patience is wearing thin – just as His patience wore thin with Israel when He sent Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem.


Then as now, the happenings of the world are attributed to being; just the way things are – or just the way the world works. As the Jews were blind to the reality of God’s involvement in what happened to them, despite being warned on numerous occasions, before it happened – so too people are the same today, and that includes many in the Church. Nothing happens in this world without the sanction of Almighty God.


In Isaiah 42:16 God makes promises to lead the people who will give ear to Him, and to never leave nor forsake them. These promises are still true today, but they must be accepted, and before that occurs we must accept God at His Word that He is who He says He is and not who we desire Him to be.


As I said before, many in the world today are blind, not a few of these deaf and blind belong to the Church. What do I mean by that? Let me share some thoughts with you –


A reproduction of the arch that led to the Temple of Baal has been set up in New York City. How many saw this as no big deal? How many even knew about it? This strikes me as rather ominous, a visible depiction of the direction in which America has been and is increasingly headed. To wit:


Worship of God is wrong, but worship of – and the idolizing of anything and everything else is good. God in school is wrong, but teaching the five pillars of Islam is ok. Bible study in school is wrong, but teaching 3rd graders about homosexuality and transgenders along with encouraging and accepting these things is right and good. Teaching about a traditional two parent family, as in one man and one woman is harmful, but teaching that having two moms or two dads is normal and beneficial. Preaching Jesus on a street corner is terrible, but men wearing nothing but pink underwear while parading down the street proclaiming the virtues and joys of homosexuality is great. The sanctity of marriage as one man and one woman is not to be discussed or supported, but same-sex marriage is to be shouted and touted from the rooftops.


Beware of the wolves in the Church, we have been warned right in God’s Word (1 Timothy 4) that this would happen, and it IS happening with increasing regularity. Below is a perfect example of wolves in the Church

Many denominations in the Church are supporting same-sex marriage, the Word of God specifically says that this is an abomination, those that say otherwise are only kidding themselves. Leviticus 18:22
In 1 Corinthians 7:2, Paul lays out the fact that each man and each woman should only be engaged in sexual relations with their own spouse of the opposite sex. If that is not clear enough, in Romans 1:26-27, Paul mentions sex between two women and two men, and makes it clear this was and is off-limits and punishable by God.

Abortion – even many in the Church support this, how I will never understand. A baby is a gift from God, not a hindrance to be removed at will. This group of cells, barring an unfortunate non-man-made problem – will become a human being, a living, breathing life-form, same as the rest of us. Killing a baby outside the mother’s body is murder, what makes anyone in their right mind think that killing a baby inside the mother’s body is not?


The weather: the severity of the weather is increasing, could this be only some sort of natural progression? It could I suppose, still – two things are clear to this writer:
Climate change as obsessed over by the political elite and others is a bad joke.
The change in the weather could be natural, but this writer sees it as part of the judgment against the U.S. – and even if the changes are strictly natural, these changes are controlled by God, as is everything else!


I will plainly say that I regard the presidency of Barack Obama as being part of a judgment against the United States for our people removing God from all things and defying Him.


The U.S. economy is a disaster one step away from collapse, this country is crumbling from the inside out, just as Rome did. The farther the U.S. has stepped away from God and slipped into grievous sin, the worse things have become in this country. Coincidence? This writer does not think so.

The Jews despite plenty of warning paid no heed to God – is America making the same mistake?

Republished with permission The Olive Branch Report


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